Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Thursday Morning! and some HUGS!

I must say this was my first Thursday wedding.....I have to say Thursday wedding have a different feel to them than a weekend wedding. The whole routine of the day from when I do a weekend wedding was so different to me. I’m used to getting up on a Saturday or Sunday waiting for the sitter, making sure I have all my gear ready and in the car. A small bite to eat and a quick call to my assistant.....maybe some iced coffee then on my way to the wedding location. For this wedding, I shot on my own so no assistant that day....I woke up drop off my son at school and picked up some ice coffee. I was super early to the location even before any family, wedding party, Bride or Groom. I had some moments to sit and take in my thoughts and drink all my iced coffee! Something I don’t normally have time to do before a wedding. I have to say it was rather nice........

Now about my Thursday wedding couple, The Bride was fashionably late as most Brides are.....and the Groom was eagerly waiting. As I waited for the wedding to start I usually take various photos of the Groom, Bride and Family.....That’s when all the hugging began. The bride has two wonderful boys, about the ages of 4-6 I think...sorry if I got the ages wrong. well any way these boys keep going around to everyone and saying hi, thanks for coming and given hugs. Iv never meet two boys so willingly hug people they just meet or see all the time. I think it was about the third hug in a ten min span that I finally said I was going to adopt these kids...awww these boys stole my heart! Now I can see why the Bride and Groom stole each other hearts, looks to me that this couple is going to have a lot of love from each other and the two loving boys.


  1. Excellent photography! You've done really awesome job! thanks a lot for sharing this nice post & I'll visit your site again :)

  2. thanks Im glad you enjoy it! Hope you enjoy the future blogs!
    Kacey TBT

  3. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard
